SUS: avaliação da eficiência do gasto público em saúde


Livros por Ladislau Dowbor
Ladislau Dowbor
15 de março, 2021
– 129p.
This book is about systemic change in what we consider as capitalism. Far beyond qualifications such as Industry 4.0, the view presented here is that the very structures of capitalism are currently being displaced,…
Artigos Recebidos
Mariana Mazzucato and Robert Skidelsky
10 de julho, 2020
– 8p.
With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing governments to spend on an unprecedented scale to sustain businesses and households, there has never been a better time to restore the state to its proper role as a…
Ladislau Dowbor
1 de dezembro, 2020
– 24p.
The Bolsa Familia program of money transfers to the roughly 50 million poor at the bottom of the pyramid is internationally known but its success was grounded in a much wider set of 149…
Ladislau Dowbor
1 de março, 2020
– 15 min.
We are all discussing the coronavirus crisis, but we must also look at the underlying economic crisis. Understanding how the Brazilian distributive experience worked, and how it was broken down with a parliamentary coup,…
Ladislau Dowbor
13 de março, 2020
– 2 min.
First, the obvious thing: our problem is not a lack of money, but mismanagement. Or, to say it in an updated way today, it is lack of governance, of making the whole work….
Pílulas Informativas
World Economic Forum
1 de janeiro, 2020
– 43 min.
Davos discutiu abertamente a evasão fiscal, hoje gigantesca, em grande parte organizada por bancos, e diretamente ligada à corrupção….
Pílulas Informativas
Timothy Winegard
20 de setembro, 2019
– 2p.
Essas minúsculas pragas se adaptam com tanto sucesso às mudanças nas condições que se tornaram o predador mais mortal da humanidade. Em breve poderemos erradicá-los – mas deveríamos?…
Ladislau Dowbor
12 de setembro, 2019
– 6p.
We imagined an updated version of the Ten Commandments, for the world has changed, and just telling us not to kill, nor to steal or covet our neighbours wife, is presently missing the essential,…
Paul Dembinski, Alain Schoenenberger
1 de setembro, 1993
– 80p.
Reproduzimos aqui este ensaio que ajuda muito na compreensão do nosso drama estruturalmente mais impactante, que é a transformação das finanças em sistema especulativo, drenando os recursos das famílias, das empresas e dos estados….
Ladislau Dowbor
1 de janeiro, 2019
– 7p.
The Concilium Civitas international conference in Warsaw brought together eminent social scientists working at the world’s leading universities in economics, politics, history and others. The common concern is the deep deformation of political processes…
Livros por Ladislau Dowbor
Ladislau Dowbor
13 de janeiro, 2021
– 240p.
This book offers a very direct and readable analysis of the main challenges facing our societies today, such as reducing inequality, protecting the planet, and in particular mobilizing our financial resources which linger in…
Ladislau Dowbor
10 de abril, 2019
– 6p.
OUR GLOBAL MESS Ladislau Dowbor / Ethical Markets 10 April 2019 In case you haven’t noticed, our challenges are ridiculously simple. We are destroying this only planet we have, for the benefit of…
Artigos Recebidos
Ellen Brown
1 de maio, 2019
– 6p.
Ellen Brown – Democracy CollaborativeFonte: Truthout* May 1, 2019 The U.S. federal debt has more than doubled since the 2008 financial crisis, shooting up from $9.4 trillion in mid-2008 to over $21 trillion in…
Pílulas Informativas
Matthew Keegan in Shenzhen
12 de dezembro, 2018
– 1p.
Shenzhen, na China, 12 milhões de habitantes, tem 16 mil ônibus elétricos, e neste ano ainda serão elétricos os 13 mil taxis da cidade….
Livros em Colaboração
Culture Report
1 de janeiro, 2018
– 235p.
Trump, Putin, Erdoğan: Europe faces many challenges. What role can culture play in overcoming xenophobia, hate, anger and anxiety?…
Artigos Recebidos
Ladislau Dowbor
Sem data
Noam Chomsky The Intercept: Tradução em português:   PRISONS ARE REMINISCENT of Tolstoy’s famous observation about unhappy families: Each “is unhappy in its own way,” though there are some common features — for prisons, the…
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