The Pandemic and the Economic Crisis: a Global Agenda for Urgent Action

The Pandemic and the Economic Crisis: a Global Agenda for Urgent Action

Delayed vaccination of people across the world increases possibilities of virus mutation, reducing the ability to control the pandemic even in rich countries that have bagged vaccines. “The advanced countries learned, even if briefly, that austerity is counterproductive.” All of this can be done quickly if political leaders in the developed world recognize that no one is safe until everyone is safe and that a healthy world economy is not possible without recovery in its poorer parts.
Michael Spence, Joseph Stiglitz
13 páginas
Originalmente publicado
18 de março, 2021

A short and powerful report on key actions to face both the pandemic and the economic crisis, centered on three issues: intellectual property and access to vaccination, international support for the weaker economies and comprehensive debt restructuring.

“All this can be done quickly if political leaders in the developed world recognize that no one is safe until everyone is safe, and that a healthy world economy is not possible without recovery in its poorer parts.”

Opportunism is no solution: Delayed vaccination of people across the world increases possibilities of virus mutation, reducing the ability to control the pandemic even in rich countries that have bagged the vaccines.

And facing inequality is essential: “The advanced countries learned, even if briefly, that austerity is counterproductive”.

– Prof. Ladislau Dowbor

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Livros em Colaboração
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