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经济民主 在理论中漫步 (Economic Democracy: strolling through theories)

livro demeconomica

Awareness about global warming, income concentration, destruction of life in our seas, petroleum depletion and other threatening catastrophes can no longer be avoided, we need more efficient forms of economic and social organization. Economic power has become the central element of political decision making and the power of the media also relies on corporations. Under […]

国家政策支持 与地方发展 (A national policy for local development)

livro projetopoliticanacional

Politics is obviously much more than just government. Brazil has 5565 municipalities. Good management at the bottom of the pyramid makes good sense. But local development does depend very much on national policies that enhance local decision making, by providing decentralized credit systems, providing more efficient intergovernment institutions and the like. Brazil has been innovating […]

巴西:十年议程 (Brazil, an agenda for the decade)

Captura de Tela 2024 04 29 as 16.40.52

In this second decade of the millennium, Brazil is taking off from a new level. In a most impressive way it withstood the worst economic crisis since 1929 and is pointing toward a course essentially based on common sense and a balanced outlook of economic interests, social needs and environmental requirements. The traditional economic standpoint […]

什么是地方权力 ? (What is local development?)

livro oqueepoderlocal

We have been used to accepting the world, and our neighbourhoods, as a given reality. When we are unsatisfied, we just move out. With an urbanized society, we are getting more aware that we can change our realities, make our neighbourhoods more livable. We present here an overview of this kind of experiences. The issues […]

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