Crises and opportunities in changing times: the African dimension

Crises and opportunities in changing times: the African dimension

In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Ignacy Sachs, Carlos Lopes and myself drew up what would be an assessment of main challenges and a list of key reforms to rescue overall governance.
Ladislau Dowbor, Ignacy Sachs, Carlos Lopes
20 páginas
Originalmente publicado
8 de maio, 2010

In the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis, Ignacy Sachs, Carlos Lopes and myself drew up what would be an assessment of main challenges and a list of key reforms to rescue overall governance.

We called it Crises and Opportunities in Times of Change. The governance crisis remains and the opportunities were not seized. The challenges and the opportunities listed here remain very solid, and close to the African dimension. Published by UNECA, the UN Economic Commission for Africa, 20 pages, 2010.

Click the Download button above to access the paper.

– Prof. Ladislau Dowbor

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