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A national policy for local development? (Chinese version) – 2011, 53p.

Politics is obviously much more than just government. Brazil has 5565 municipalities. Good management at the bottom of the pyramid makes good sense. But local development does depend very much on national policies that enhance local decision making, by providing decentralized credit systems, providing more efficient intergovernment institutions and the like. Brazil has been innovating in this area. The present paper is a result of a nation-wide study of how to improve local capacity through more city-friendly national policies. We came to 89 practical suggestions in different areas. (L. Dowbor)


[gview file=”https://dowbor.org/09dlfinalnovaedica63p_cn.pdf” height=”400″ width=”98%”]

Número de páginas:35

Link site chinês: //www.ccpg.org.cn/Article/ShowSpecial.asp?SpecialID=19.

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