The Financial Drain in Brazil

The Financial Drain in Brazil

The macroeconomic picture that we present here goes far beyond the so-called “tripod”, primary surplus, floating exchange rate and inflation target. In general terms, it summarizes the financial drain that plagues the country, which causes economic paralysis, a social tragedy and environmental dramas, but which also generates enough resources at the top of the social pyramid to halt the necessary institutional changes.
Ladislau Dowbor
8 páginas
Originalmente publicado
4 de agosto, 2023

The issue of interest rates, of finance in general, is a mystery to most people. But the result is simple: a huge drain was set up through the Selic rate, the tolerance of tax evasion, tax waivers, exemptions on profits and dividends, the Kandir law, the non-application of the ITR, and in particular the absurd interest rates charged by banks on families and companies.


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Ladislau Dowbor
– 13 de setembro, 2024
– 3p.
De Jayati Ghosh a Thomas Piketty. De Mariana Mazzucato a Wolfgang Streeck. Surgem, em todo o mundo, vozes dispostas a mudar os rumos da Economia e aproximá-la de ideias como a igualdade e a defesa do planeta. Vale conhecê-las
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