Economic Democracy: strolling through theories – Revised, and updated – 2011, 135p.

Economic Democracy: strolling through theories – Revised, and updated – 2011, 135p.

Ladislau Dowbor
135 páginas
Originalmente publicado

Awareness about global warming, income concentration, destruction of life in our seas, petroleum depletion and other threatening catastrophes can no longer be avoided, we need more efficient forms of economic and social organization. Economic power has become the central element of political decision making and the power of the media also relies on corporations. Under these conditions, to limit democracy to its political expression is becoming increasingly less realistic, rendering us even more skeptical. For politics once again to make sense, we have to evolve to a more democratic concept of the economy itself. This essay presents in a simple way the various theories about economic alternatives in international literature and shows that there is a new outlook under construction that is worthwhile knowing.  (L. Dowbor)


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Número de páginas:136

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