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Financial crisis: risks and opportunities – junho – 2008, 26p.

This paper is partly the result of an international seminar held in Brasilia on March 4 and 5, and is a free presentation of key arguments concerning 10 points: Rethink the energy production paradigm; Face the challenge of inequality; Retrieve the central role of the State; Reorient the role of credit; Ensure full utilization of labor; Boost the economy by productive inclusion; Democratize government; Capitalize the potential of local development; Organize the instruments of financial regulation; Generate convergent policies in economic; social and environmental terms. Overall, the paper constitutes an overview of the crisis seen from Brazil, where inequality and environmental issues have become more critical than the financial crisis itself.  (L. Dowbor)

[gview file=”https://dowbor.org/financial_crisis_ingles_final_definitivo_ladislau.doc” height=”400″ width=”98%”]

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