Crises and Opportunities in Changing Times – 2010, 20p.(Texto atualizado em março/2013)

Crises and Opportunities in Changing Times – 2010, 20p.(Texto atualizado em março/2013)

Ladislau Dowbor
20 páginas
Originalmente publicado

The present paper, co-authored by Ignacy Sachs, Carlos Lopes and Ladislau Dowbor, coordinators of the Crises and Opportunities intiative, was designed as a reference document, or position paper, for our discussions in Salvador and beyond: the environment predicament, reduction of inequality, decent jobs, and reorientation of the productive process according to real priorities. We suggest 12 main lines of intervention, which seem reasonably realistic, and certainly already applied with success in a number of countries. On a wider scale, they could bring about more serious structural change. It should be seen as a starting point for our discussions in Salvador World Social Forum, and is one more contribution to the already important number of paper we have received during the last months. (L. Dowbor)


Published by University of Warssaw:

Also available in IRCS (International Research Center on Sustainability) 

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